Below is some information about support available for people who have experience perineal trauma or injury.
The Masic Foundation
The MASIC Foundation is the only multi-disciplinary UK charity to support women who have suffered severe injuries during childbirth known as OASI (Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries).The charity is run by injured women and healthcare professionals who are committed to better detection and prevention of injury during childbirth. https://masic.org.uk/
Birth Trauma Association
If you’re a parent who’s been traumatised by birth, we’re here to help. We have a team of peer supporters: parents (one of whom is a dad) who have all experienced traumatic birth themselves and been through a process of recovery
Birth Debrief
Most hospitals offer a birth debriefing service. This is when you can talk to a doctor or midwife about your labour and birth, go through your maternity notes and ask any questions you need to understand what happened.
Your midwife can refer you for this service when you are still on the postnatal ward but you can also access the service after you’ve left. Contact your maternity unit or ask your health visitor or midwife what’s available locally.
Don’t worry if you don’t feel ready to go over your birth experience for months, or even years. You can access this service when you are ready. You can use this service alone or your partner can go with you. However, partners cannot access a debriefing service alone because it involves going through the confidential medical records of the person who gave birth. If you need help, speak to your health visitor or GP who can organise the appropriate treatment or referral to a mental health specialist.
Pelvic Health Physiotherapists.
Pelvic health physiotherapist are experts in supporting people who have suffered injuries to their perineum and it is important to get assessed not only to help with current symtpoms but to also prevent any Pelvic floor symtpoms in the future. You GP can help signpost you to your local NHS physiotherapy team. If you have private medication policy or would rather private teatnent you can find your local qualified physiotherapist here: